Thursday, June 4, 2015

German Love Lesson

Ablegento take off, clothing; Augeneyes. Atmento breathe; Ausgehungertstarved, famished; Badento bathe; Beideboth, Beliebtbeloved, favorite; Beruhrento touch; Briefletter; Dichterfurstprince of poetry; Donnerwetterthunderstorm; Erblickento catch sight of; Erdeearth; Erlebnisevent, occurrence; Feuerfire; Finden – to find; Frauwoman; Freuen, sichto be glad, joyful, happy; Fuhlen – to sense, feel; Geschlechtsex; Glucklichhappy, fortunate, lucky; Gutgood, well; Halsneck; Handhands; Heisshot; Heizento heat; Herrgentleman, mister, master, sir; Herrlichgorgeous, magnificent; Herzheart; Heutetoday; Himmelsky, heaven; Huftehips; Idée - idea, thought; ins Bett gehen  - to go to bed; Intelligentintelligent; Jayes;  Körper – body; Kussento kiss; Lachento laugh; Lachelnto smile; Lebenlife; Lebento live; Lebendalive, living; Lessento read; Liebelove; Liebento love; Liebstedearest one; Singento sing; Liedsong; Leppenlips; Literaturliterature; Mannman; Mitteilento communicate; Mondemoon; Momentmoment, instant; Morgenschlummermorning slumber; Nennento call, name; Offnento open; Orgasmus erleben; kommenorgasms, to come;
Paarcouple, pair; Qualitatquality; Reifento ripen, mature; Ruhento rest; Ruhetagday of rest; Sagento tell, say; Schenkelthighs; Schlafento sleep; Schmeckento taste; Schonbeautiful; Schreibento write; Singento sing; Sonnesun; Sprechento speak; Sternstar; Tastsinn -  sense of touch; Unionunion; Unsus; Unserour; Unverzuglichwithout delay, at once; Verbringento spend time; Vergissmeinnichtforgetmenot; Vergnugenpleasure; Versprechento promise; Wahrtrue; Warten- to wait; Warumwhy?; Wohnento live, dwell, stay; Wollento wish, want; Wordword; Wunderbarmarvelous; Wunderschonwonderously beautiful, gorgeous; Wunschwish; Zufriedensatisfied, contented; Zuhauseat home; Zuhorenlisten to; Zukunftigfuture, belonging to: Zusammentogether; Zweitwo.

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